Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Had a real bad day today. Home alone from 6:30am till 7pm. Had to give in to petting this am before the supplier of the AC and roof left for work. When he came home I was running from one patior coor/window to the other. The cat playmate from behind us was on the patio. We love to jump on the window. The window has lots of dirt on the outside and will stay that way until the "maid" cleans the windows. I am now waiting for my turn on the compter and will type something after the "master" gets off. I love the have my picture taken and am charging the batteries now.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Tuff Day

It has been a tuff day in the house today. Home alone, as the keeper of the keys was gone to a bike party most of the day. Storing up energy for his return - Just wait